nouveau bandeau du PNST 2022

Multi-spacecraft observations of solar radio emissions in the Solar Orbiter era
Sophie Musset  1@  
1 : European Space Research and Technology Centre

Combining observations the two new solar missions, Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe, with measurements from existing spacecraft such as STEREO and Wind, allows for the first time to analyze solar radio emissions measured from four different points of view simultaneously. I will present the first analysis of this kind for five radio bursts observed during the commissioning phase of Solar Orbiter. By comparing the observed properties of these bursts with those predicted by models of radio-wave propagation in the heliospheric plasma, I will show how multi-spacecraft observations of solar radio emission can be used to characterize not only the radio source itself, but also the properties of the plasma in which radio-wave are propagating, in particular, the properties of the density fluctuations of the plasma responsible for radio-wave scattering.

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